Burnout is a wake-up call.
Overview and Key Takeaways
You probably juggle too many activities between work and your personal life, which often leads to burnout.
Physicians say that burnout is a complex condition stemming from prolonged stress; it also is an ongoing net drain of energy across five dimensions: physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual.
When you experience burnout, it impairs your productivity, compromises your health and makes you more reactive in your relationships. You can address burnout using the right tools to manage stress, resolve conflicts and set healthy boundaries, both at work and at home.
Gain insights into burnout and how to manage it from Dr. Neha Sangwan, a physician and executive coach who specializes in helping leaders manage stress. CWIM invites you to read her book, Powered by Me, and join a discussion with Dr. Sangwan.
You will identify your biggest energy drains and equip yourself with powerful tools that enable you to:
Expand your awareness
Transform your mindset
Communicate with integrity
Align your decision making with what matters most
When you understand how to identify and heal burnout, you have the power to reconnect with yourself, your colleagues and your community.
It’s time to learn how to reclaim your energy and align your life with what truly matters
Uncover simple, powerful steps towards healing.
Ask questions and get answers to what-if scenarios in a LIVE Q&A with Dr. Sangwan.
You are encouraged to invite your colleagues for this complimentary interactive event.
Featured Speaker
Dr. Sangwan, CEO and founder of Intuitive Intelligence, is an internal medicine physician, international speaker and corporate communication expert. Her private practice and corporate consulting focuses on empowering individuals, organizational leaders, and their teams with the tools for clear, effective communication. She addresses the root cause of stress, miscommunication, and interpersonal conflict, often healing chronic conditions such as headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and depression.
She regularly consults with organizations such as the American Heart Association, American Express, Kaiser Permanente, and Google, and has shared her keynote presentation on the stages of TEDx.
Additional Resources:
Burnout Assessment & Free Chapter of TalkRx: https://intuitiveintelligenceinc.com/pbmgifts-only/
Anxiety Resources: https://intuitiveintelligenceinc.com/anxiety/thank-you/
Sacred Exchange Community: https://nehasangwan.com/sacred-exchange/
For more information or to submit your questions in advance, please email [email protected].
CFA Institute Qualified Activity: Eligible for 1.0 PL credit hours
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